Thursday, 19 February 2015

Also sewing

NZ Post totally screwed up and haven't managed to deliver my surprise, so whatever, no surprise then!!!! I don't know how much more I'll be able to come get internet - this and next week will be totally packed, and involve me getting totally packed, because Japan and URGHH I'M EXCITED

Anyway I sewed a thing for a cool friend (NO SURPRISE BLAME NZ POST) and then Grandma liked it and wanted one and I asked her if she just wanted plain and she said no, she wanted one like what I sent my friend, so I was like ok grandma, and I made her one too.

Grandma's one makes me crack up giggling. Same with the drawing I did of the penguin riding Ben in the post below. Goddd.

also I'm sorry it's not perfectly symmetrical it's hard for me sewing so big
bye punctuation

- C

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